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    Temple Talks/ Real Talk

    16 septembre 2017
    Nothing like the sting of taking a look at your frustration and anger about certain circumstances and realizing, “Did I do that?!” (Urkel voice) Being a conscious creator is not for the faint of heart. (Cheers to me because I refrained from saying what you thought I was going to say.) My...
    24 juillet 2017 · ebook,the conscious woman
    Recently I had a conversation with a girlfriend who is getting a tattoo of a cross on her arm. I said , I didn’t even know you went to church. She said I don’t. I just love Jesus in my own way and I don’t really talk about it because I don’t want people to judge me for the things I do. That...
    My husband said to me, “I don’t know how to handle it when you are emotional.” I said, “So learn.” He made that statement with the feeling that if I tell her that I can’t handle this then I will just be off the hook to handle it. Just because you don’t know how to handle something doesn’t...